Welcome to Arms Race!

The game is far from finished, but it has reached a point where it is possible to play it and testing would be very useful. If you discover any problems please email me at geir (at) geir-hansen.com.

There are no instructions on how to play yet, but it should be possible to figure out most of the game without any. Click on a unit to select it, then use the "Orders" menu to move it, or better, try the keyboard shortcuts below. You can also use the left mouse button to select a unit and the right mouse button to select a destination for it to move to.

Keyboard shortcuts:

QWE   789
A D   4 6         Move selected unit.
ZXC   123

SPACE             Select the next unit that is awaiting orders.

P                 Change the selected city's production.

Play Arms Race now!

If the above does not work you may need to install the latest Java version from www.java.com. You may also have to tell your browser to open .jnlp files with Java WebStart.